Sunday, July 4, 2010


Well, I made it. 

One of my dearest friends in New York, JK, - wife of my oldest friend in the City, NK, and overall amazing human being - drove down with me in a rented SUV.  If you ever find yourself a friend who will drive 14 hours with you and a cat who peed on herself in New Jersey in a car with a blind-spot the size of Texas, hold onto that person for dear life.  JK, I love you.

It's been exactly two weeks since I officially landed in Chattanooga.  These last 14 days have felt a bit like a prolonged detox from New York.  I've avoided phone calls, text messages, and e-mails to the point of absurdity (sorry), and the idea of attending one of the crowded Fourth of July events this weekend nearly sent me into a panic.  Instead, I've mostly been hiding out in sparsely populated restaurants and cafes with my very understanding significant other - let's call him Mountain Man because it makes me giggle.

I'm just exhausted, and it might take a while to get over that.  Have patience with me.  I promise I'll make it up to you.


  1. Oddly enough, I am heading to NYC this Friday and you aren't there! But you have to come to dinner at my house in Shepherd Hills when you begin to climb out of the Moving Blues. I'll be back in a week. Just say when.
    love ya, Cathie Kasch

  2. Glad you made it safe and sound. Calling your S.O. "Mountain Man" makes me smile, for SOOO many reasons. Hope you are enjoying "Vegas" and getting back into the groove of life in our hometown.
